4 Tips: How to choose a web design agency

Hey, this is Al Carmona with Useractiv. And in today’s video, I want to talk about how to choose the right web designer for your business.

Check out their portfolio

So the first thing that people look at when they’re looking around for web designer is they’re probably looking at portfolios. They’re looking at the designs that people have done, whether it’s the mockup or whether it’s a live site, and seeing what kind of work an agency has done and the quality of their work.

Once they kind of see the quality of the work of several agencies, then it’s good to go ahead and drill down a little bit further.

These are more of the things that you should be looking for when choosing the right web designer for your business beyond the portfolio…

Do they ask the right questions?

When you have that first meeting with your prospective web design company, you want to listen and see if they’re asking the right questions, the right questions about your business, about your customers, about the way you work, about your goals, about what it is that you want to accomplish with your website, and what’s wrong with your website. Now, what can you do to fix it? What are your key performance indicators that you’d like to increase or better?

And the types of questions that they ask are going to be very indicative of the type of company they are and what their approach is leading on to that aspect of a web company asking the right questions.

Are they focused on your users’ experience?

And the next question that they should be asking or that you should be asking of them is… what about the users? What about your users, your customers, because in reality, your website design company, or your website design agency’s customer is not you, it’s your customers. They’re trying to appeal to them. They’re trying to have a better user face interface for your customers, so they could find what they’re looking for. And they’re able to accomplish tasks, be it, find out more information, schedule a consultation, or making a purchase easier.

So a web design company that thinks about the user first that asks questions about your user and what your user can do, or how they can benefit from your website and how that I, that can be improved by some of the things that you’re going to be going ahead and working on when you’re redesigning the website.

What’s their process?

The next thing that you probably want to ask or that you want to inquire about of your new web design company is what their process is. How do they manage the web design process and how do they communicate every step of that process, make sure that they’re very clear in their process.

How long it takes to research, how long it takes to do this design, what the back and forth is on the revisions of the design and the wireframing and the architecture of the website. Communication is going to be very important. And you’re going to need that in order to get all the right information that you’re going to go ahead and put on the website.


To recap, those are some of the most important things to consider:

Check out their portfolio

When you’re interviewing the companies, make sure that they’re asking the right questions and listening to your goals.

That their user-centric

Make sure they’re focused on the user experience, your user, and your customer.

Their process

How long do things take, what are the phases of web design and how do they communicate along the way?

Making sure that everybody’s on board, that they’re on the same page, and that you’re moving towards that end goal of launching that new website. That new and improved website that’s going to make your business a whole lot better, and that’s going to be better for your customers.

So I hope that helps please subscribe to more tips on how to improve your website, better your website marketing, generate more, leads, more traffic, and get more sales. Thanks.

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